Haste to the wedding

Category: Irish Ceili/Ceilidh

This is a long dance for any number of couples, in double jig time, danced to the tune of the same name. Each odd couple and the even couple facing them form a set with the even couples leading.
The dance can be repeated as many times as desired.
Tag: Ar Rince Foirne

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Repeating (Jig)

40 Bars + 8 bar lead-in

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1 Everyone
Rise and grind Dance the "rising step" which starts with the left foot on the ground, hop (on the left foot), hop-back (hop left again, bring the right foot back and down behind), hop (right foot, bringing left foot back), 1-2-3-4 (alternate stepping down on the left, right, left, right, ending with the weight on the right foot).
Repeat this starting with the weight on the right foot.
2 Right hand wheel Couples put right hands in the center and dance around back to place. 4
3 Rise and grind Dance the rise and grind again. 4
4 Left hand wheel Couples put left hands in the center and dance around back to place. 4
5 1st Tops
Up the center Leading couple take right hands and sidestep (sevens) between the odd couples, finishing with two short threes.
Sidestep back to place, and on the second three take the odd lady into a ring of three.
6 Everyone
First ring The ring of three sidestep to the right (counter-clockwise) while the odd gent stands in place. During the threes the leading couple make an arch and allow the odd lady to pass under and back to her original position and the leading couple take the odd gent into the ring of three.
7 Second ring The ring of three sidestep to the left (clockwise) while the odd lady stands in place. During the threes the leading couple make an arch and allow the odd gent to pass under and back to his original position where he takes his partner's cross hands. 4
8 Swing out Each couple now swing to change places.  While the movement is 8 bars long, much of the time will be spent in the new position, swinging in place.  The leading couple should end facing down the set with the odd couple facing up.  The couples at the ends should wait until the next repetition of the set where they will become leading and opposition couples. 8
Added on 2013-03-23 10:06:12.
Modified on 2014-06-08 13:36:30.
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